Hiking holidays in Kleinwalsertal - dreams become reality here
As part of the hiking and mountaineering weeks, I take our guests into ‘my’ mountains! On the hikes and mountain tours I have carefully selected, I want to show them the quiet joys of the summits, but also the techniques of mountain hiking. Regardless of the season and depending on their physical condition, I take our guests to the most beautiful places in the Kleinwalsertal mountains.
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Host, sommelier & passionate wandering landlord

Simple hikes
- Hike to the Breitachklamm gorge
- Circular hike Gemsteltal
- Circular hike Wildental
- Upper Höhrenweg
- Heubergrunde
- Circular hiking trail Bärgunttal

Advanced hikes
- Fellhorn ridge hike
- Over the Kuhgehrenspitze to the Kanzelwand
- Valley and panoramic tour
- Circular hike through the Dura Valley
- Circular hike Derratal
- Gemstel round tour

Difficult hikes
- Gottesacker plateau
- 3-summit tour to the Fiderepass
- Over the Ochsenhofer Köpfe
- Hoher Ifen
- Alpine Wildental tour
- Geisshorn and Kemptler Köpfle

- Find your way
- Follow the path of life
- Discover what’s hiding
- Steinbock trail

- Push your limits
- Discover yourself
- Free yourself
- Schwende trail
- Küren-Wäldele-Egg trail

- Discover just how diverse life is
- Nothingness

Craving a bit of R&R after your hike?